Generation Equality Forum, United Nations Women June 2021
The UN Decade will launch a call to action over the next 10 years for climate action, using the hashtag #GenerationRestoration to engage people on social platforms, especially youth. On this day, the UN calls attention to the Action Coalition on Feminist Action for Climate Justice (FACJ), while simultaneously highlighting young women and girls leading the fight for climate justice. The aim of this event is to identify how these issues affect women and girls differently and opportunities for girls to get involved in the fight for climate justice.
Columbia University: Spoke at a panel titled 'Intersectional Voices: Finding the Power in Yours' + invited to speak as the Founder of Veggie Mijas and Planned Parenthood Advocate
Syracuse University: Participated in a panel for the Women’s and Gender Studies Department to shine a light on successful Alumni’s
John Jay College of Criminal Justice May 2019 Graduation Keynote Speaker: Empowered LGBTQ+ students by introducing personal university experiences, hardships and achievements along professional journey
American University: Key-note Speaker for HerCampusU 2020 Women of the Year Award.
Northern Illinois University: Guided a conversation on sexual assault and domestic violence by introducing personal experiences and healing rituals
University of California Santa Barbara: Advocated for Food Justice through a well-put presentation discussing issues of poverty, food accessibility, and personal work with Veggie Mijas
New Museum: Motivated over 40 high school students of color at the Youth Summit: Scamming the Patriarchy, to get involved in their communities through food activism and eating plant-based
New York University: Directed a discussion around Mental Health Disparities in Latinx Households for event called La Mente en Frente: A Cultural Healing Experience hosted by L.U.C.H.A Organization
Mount Holyoke College: Led a discussion, “Decolonizing Foods As a Queer Woman of Color” hosted by LGBTQ+ Center: Familia Board of Mount Holyoke
Southern Connecticut State University: Spoke on behalf of the intersectionality experiences of being a queer woman of color with mental disabilities for event called La Mente en Frente hosted by the Women’s and Gender Studies Department, The MulticulturalCenter, The Sage Center, and the Violence Prevention and Support Center
Smith College: Invited to speak about Veggie Mijas and the power of Food Justice Community Activism
Generation Equality Forum, United Nations: For World Environment Day 2021.
University of Kent in Paris, France: Facilitated Veggie Mijas and the Power of Activism.
Sonoma State University: Discussed Veggie Mijas and the personal vegan story.
Clarkson University: Workshop of Radical Self-Care.
Casa Unidos: Veggie Mijas and experience of being a Latinx Vegan.
SUNY Oneonta: Formulated a workshop on Mental Disabilities and Immigration in Latinx Households hosted by Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority Incorporated, Epsilon Mu Chapter
STEPS Program: Panelists to share my college story with over 30+ high school students. This included a 2-part series where Amy Quichiz facilitated and then individually gave advice for all students on career opportunities.